Seoul Metal

Eco-friendly company with global competitiveness

CEO Message

Dear customers,

I would like to sincerely express my appreciation for your encouragement and support for Seoul Metal. Since it was founded in 1984, Seoul Metal has been growing with our customers based on the corporate culture respecting their dreams and values.
Until now, Seoul Metal has been accumulating diverse skills and experiences in the eco-friendly business by developing the windows with world-class energy efficiency rating and acquiring ISO9001 certification through endless technology development and innovation.

Now, rather than staying in just one place, all employees of Seoul Metals concentrate their core competencies on expertise, quality improvement, transparent management, and environment based on their accumulated skills and experiences. We have expanded our facilities to become an excellent and globally competitive company in the rapidly changing environments. We operate our production facilities efficiently by being equipped with a system that meets the needs of our customers.
More importantly, we actively respond to various needs of our customers so that they do not lose faith or confidence in us. Therefore, we will continue to expand our eco-friendly business as an enterprise that respects the precious dreams and values of our customers.

By growing and improving continuously with our customers’ creative thinking and unlimitedly challenging spirits, we promise to be a globally well-trusted and eco-friendly enterprise leading the 21st century.

With great appreciation.

Seoul Metal
Lee, Hong-cheon
President & Founder